Where is Enjoyary located?
Physically, we are in northwest Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Virtually, however… …
Where do Enjoyary Workshops take place?
Depends on the circumstance! And the level of Covid-Restrictions. For example a workshop could take place in a client’s home, a workplace, at an event space, in Charmaine’s back-yard, or in a public park. Online adaptations of workshops can be held via Zoom or Teams. Many of our programs can be conducted via FaceTime, Skype, email or text.
Are materials included?
Often they are and those costs are built into the price of the program. For workshops conducted in person, we bring exciting art-making toys for you to play and experiment with (sanitized between uses for your protection, of course). If a participant is required to bring their own materials, that declaration will be made well in advance – no misunderstandings and no surprises. As we pride ourself on inclusivity, we don’t insist on boutique-level art supplies. We believe art can be easily made with cost-effective materials.
When is payment required?
Payment is required in advance of the program delivery (E-transferred or mailed-cheque) so that time slots may be allotted and materials can be secured.
Girl’s gotta eat.
What are your credentials?
Charmaine is old and therefore has many different certifications. Most formally, she did the four-year Fibre Arts and Mixed Media Program at the Alberta University of the Arts and most recently the Accredited Master Life Coach Certification Program from the Transformation Academy. She also has other weird and wonderful certifications such as MoMA Art Strategies trifecta via Coursera, AFLCA Fitness Basics and Disney Way customer service training.