Shall we call it “Fail-Foward-Friday?” My attempt at foil mono-print was a flop: I used too much water on my paper (or maybe my mixed-media paper wasn’t absorbent enough) and …

Finding positivity and purpose through creativity
Shall we call it “Fail-Foward-Friday?” My attempt at foil mono-print was a flop: I used too much water on my paper (or maybe my mixed-media paper wasn’t absorbent enough) and …
Welcome to the Chalkapalooza slide-show for 2021. The vlog begins with a mistake – as we were trying to film the creation of our piece beginning with the recipe for …
Our neighbour Andrea spent much of Covid Summer 2020 drawing cartoon characters on the wall of our local pedestrian tunnel. The project grew and grew to include well over two-hundred …
I discovered this project featured on a pubic post suggesting it as a project for primary school art class. The examples given were produced by eight year olds (!!!) and …