In preparation for our upcoming rock painting event: Paint. Hide. Post. on June 12 and 13, Enjoyary takes you on a little hike to the top of Nose Hill Park. The geological construction of this landmark began millions of years ago, carved by glaciers and sculpted by deposits of flat river debris left behind by sub-glacial streams. Kinda like river bottoms, but in reverse, flattened river rocks can be found at the tippy-top. A lot of the glacial remains have been removed decades ago when there was a gravel pit up there. Yes, Nose Hill used to be taller. Much of Calgary’s inner-city roads are built on river rocks stolen from the top of this hill. Thankfully, there are still a few zillion specimens left behind to borrow and paint up. If you are local, I would highly recommend a day hike to not only find some paintable rocks but also to appreciate the view and visit the Siksikaitsitapi Medicine Wheel (best access for this landmark is the 14th Street Parking Lot or the Winter Club Parking Lot).